Saturday, August 11, 2007

Web 2.0 Sites and Such

  • If you love Web 2.0 sites like me, then get a load of It's a nice visual directory of all (at least that's what they say) the Web 2.0 sites out there. And believe me, there are a LOT of sites in this directory. You'll probably need a whole day if you want to browse them all (and you probably will if you're a tech geek like me).

  • Web 2.0 really is about sharing information. Listio is a Web 2.0 site that lets you share information and reviews about other Web 2.0 sites. They have also conveniently listed the top 100 sites according to users votes. Among the top are, StumbleUpon and Reddit.

  • Lastly, if you have a favorite website but would like to find others like it, then you'll definitely love Youlicit. It does exactly that... recommend other sites that are similar to a site you type on a text box. It works really well too. For instance, typing gets me these results. Nice.