Sunday, August 12, 2007

Losing Weight for Geeks

I don't know what difference being a geek has to losing weight but anyway I'm willing to try anything that sounds remotely sensible. Not that I'm overweight or anything, but I've been feeling like such a heffer since I gained around 20 pounds over the last 6 years. G333k (I suppose that's pronounced geeek) presents 8 practical ways to lose fat. Here you go...

  • Drop sodas forever Sodas are the enemy number one of this society. Drop it and your GI will get lower instantly. This will change the direction your body is taking and will reduce the amount of food converted to fat. If you are addicted to soda or have cravings, make sure you have only one in the morning, and once every two days. Gradually drop to once a week until you are happy without them. They are the pest of our century and are the main reason of people looking unhealthy. (I completely agree with that explanation. Although, I must admit that dropping them is easier said than done. I don't know why but I just can't seem to help myself. I love sodas! But, for my health's sake I will try to give it another shot. Sodas are bad... sodas are bad... sodas are bad.)
  • Drop fast-food forever Fast food are bloody expensive! They are the typical solution to an unorganized geek. Get organized at your next shopping day and make sure you don’t need it anymore. If you really like the taste and are addicted. Make sure you get what you like once a week only, and at lunch! That way, your addiction will fade away softly. (Again, easier said than done! I'm not addicted to fast food but eating fast food is my quick answer to hunger. I mean, fast food delivery is the best thing since sliced bread. Or is it the worst thing? I seem to have relied on fast food far too much. Fine, fine, fast food is bad... fast food is bad... fast food is bad.)
  • Drop sugary food to only once a week Cakes, chocolate bars and such are also raising your GI and making your flubber shine. Don’t cut them off entirely of your life. For starters, it’s nearly impossible to do, second you will find that once a week is just enough! (That sounds like a piece of cake to me, no pun intended. I've never been a fan of sugary food because they make my throat hurt.)
  • Drop carbs at dinner Carbs are easily put to use by the body during the day. At night, they sit in your stomach and as you go asleep they will be more likely to be converted to fat. Carbs are converted to energy, which is used in your daily life. Unlike models, don’t drop carbs entirely or you will have serious issues at 50. Instead, reduce the carbs intake at dinner, as it won’t sit in your stomach all night. Carbs include pasta, potatoes, rice and bread. Also check the labels of whatever you’re eating at dinner to find out how much carbs it contains. (This was a major Aha! moment for me. I knew carbs were bad but I could never cut them out completely from my diet. Carbs are everywhere! But cutting them out from dinner is a more doable thing. Brilliant!)
  • Eat dinner earlier This simple fact will allow you to digest better, and sleep better. If your body is able to process dinner before bed time, much less will sit there all night and turn into fat. (This one looks like a difficult one... I can't stand sleeping on an empty stomach.)
  • Get physically active twice a week Sport is good. Any sport. From boxing to table-tennis. It makes you move, and that’s good for you. We live in a society that doesn’t make good use of our bodies. We’ve never moved so little. We travel by sitting, we work by sitting, we relax by sitting. This is just bad and it’s only getting worse. Find what you like and get involved. (Physically active to me means standing up to go to the bathroom. Does that count?)
  • Sleep more In our fast paced life, sleep is a very underestimated asset. Good sleep makes you more focussed. It also helps the body recover and then get to work on itself. It takes about 7-8 hours for the body to recover, then after that it only starts to build and focus on what needs improvement. You can’t really get any better if you don’t sleep properly. Why do you think that babies sleep so much? (This doesn't help me at all since I already sleep for about 8-9 hours per day.)
  • Increase protein intake Imagine a balance. To lose weight or get leaner, you will need to raise the amount of protein intake. It’s a very simple ratio: more protein than carbs in a day, and you get leaner. As bloody simple as it sounds. However, this is a hard task as carbs are everywhere, but decent intakes of protein are rare. (That's no problem at all. I love meat. Looks like I'll just have to eat more meat than rice or bread.)


Anonymous said...

Does the soda suggestion include diet soda? I drink one diet soda a day, and I don't think I would be able to cut it out! I love my afternoon soda.

And that sleep thing will never work for me. I game until the wee hours of the morning. More sleep equals less gaming which is ENTIRELY unacceptable!

I guess I'll work on the carb one. : )

Maris said...

i think diet soda is ok for losing weight. after all, most diet sodas only have 0-1 calories right? good for you for keeping it to one a day. i drink about two regular sodas a day. it's a terrible habit.

Anonymous said...

The hell with dieting. for me, just eat what you want and enjoy your life. Just do exercise every once in a while like walking, doing sport or any activities to lose those calories. We only have 1 life, so better enjoy what food is given to us.