Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Looking Back: The iPod Archives

Earlier today, I was looking for a discussion thread about the latest Steve Jobs Keynote. I've already read a lot of the comments at Engadget but I guess I'm not over it yet. Reading everyone's posts always makes my day. You can't get any more attacks and arguments anywhere else. Everyone has their own opinion, everyone thinks they're right and everyone wants to be heard.

After searching "ipod forums" in Google, I found a thread in the Macrumors.com forums. It was titled "Apple's New Thing (iPod)". I thought the title was a bit weird. I mean, it makes it sound as if the iPod was a newly launched product. After reading a couple of posts, lo and behold, I realize I was reading an archived thread started when the original iPod was announced almost 6 years ago! A lot of the posts amused me, they ranged from disappointed to delusional. A lot of the posters actually hated the iPod back then! Here are a rundown of my fave posts (my comments are in green)...

  • WeezerX80 wrote: "I still can't believe this! All this hype for something so ridiculous! Who cares about an MP3 player? I want something new! I want them to think differently! Why oh why would they do this?! It's so wrong! It's so stupid!" [Perhaps he was expecting a jetpack backpack?]

  • elitemacor wrote: "It's now at the online Apple Store! $400 for an Mp3 Player! I'd call it the Cube 2.0 as it wont sell, and be killed off in a short time...and it's not really functional. Uuhh Steve, can I have a PDA now?" [6 years later, MP3 players, particularly iPods, are one of the fastest selling gadgets around and PDAs are the ones practically extinct...]

  • Guest wrote: "I have no use for an Mp3 player. My house has a CD player. My car has a CD player. My Mac has a CD player. I don't use headphones. The iPod requires me to change my lifestyle to meet it's needs... I need round holes, not square holes. For $99 I might buy the toy, for $399? Why? Doesn't a Mac with a CDR undermine the need for most of this? All that's left is the number of songs you can play and the ability to listen to all of them with headphones anywhere. Do I really need ALL my songs ALL the time?uhm, no. Won't last. Another Cube." [Of course I need all my songs all the time! I need all my podcasts and movies and tv shows with me everywhere I go as well! And Mr. Guest, no one is asking you to change your lifestyle. You can have your CDs if you love them so much. LOL.]

  • Smelt wrote: "Lots of hype. Now I gripe. 400 bucks! Is Steve nuts? Digital hub??? What a flub! Stupid name. Who to blame? Come on folks-no more jokes..." [Uhm, your rhymes aren't great, you won't get paid... Ok, mine was worse... next...]

  • myassmuh wrote: "i'm not expecting a $200 time machine, but damn, why can't i have a $200 ipod. or even better a $50 or $100 dollar product that can expand userbase and introduce people to the apple product line. want people in the stores? try offering a deal, steve." [Uh, he just did... and now people hate him...]

It just proves that techies are whiners through and through. Haha, I've whined a couple of times myself. Anyway, here's the link to the thread if you want to check it out yourself... [thread]. Enjoy!



Anonymous said...

hahaha. for me, the first gen ipod really sucks. i can understand them for being negative for an up and coming music revolution. i'm also guilty with this. i doubted some great product before. hehe

Anonymous said...

if you compare the first gen ipod with similar products, design-wise, it was unparalleled. most other mp3 players then were huge and made of cheap-looking plastic.

i try to keep an open mind everytime a new product is released. if i don't, i might miss out on something great.

Anonymous said...

i'm a real fan of cd players back then. i think i wont transfer to an ipod if my cd player wasnt stolen. but i dont have regrets on getting an ipod video. now i'm looking forward to the ipod touch. would be much better if it had more memory though..