Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Brilliant Laptop Docking Idea

I can understand why we needed docking stations for out laptop computers several years ago. Back then, it simply wasn't practical to place all the necessary input and output devices and ports in the chassis of the laptop itself. However, present technology has made laptops more versatile and feature-packed, even to the point of being at par with desktop computers.

So are we to assume that laptop docks have died a natural death and just bury them beside our VCRs and dial-up modems? Designer Yong-Seong Kim seems to disagree. He thinks that we ought to revive them, or at the very least give these old and dying accessories a makeover. In this case, his docking solution involves a desktop computer with a slot behind the LCD monitor, where a laptop could dock onto. I would assume file sharing would be automatic, wherein the desktop computer would treat the laptop like an external hard drive. The laptop's screen in docking mode also becomes a second display in portrait mode.

Personally, I think his idea is brilliant. A laptop is fine when I'm on the road. But at home or in the office, a desktop pc is much more practical. This seems like a perfect and most visually appealing way to sync data between the two.

SOURCE: YankoDesign