Saturday, July 21, 2007

WiiFit... Play Your Way to Fitness

I hate exercise. I'd much rather do something more entertaining like watch tv or read blogs than exercise. But the Wii is starting to change all that. I mean, playing WiiSports is just so fun that I forget that my muscles are starting to ache and I'm sweating like a monkey (how appealing, no?). That's why I can't wait for WiiFit, a recently announced Wii game that will not only help you exercise but monitor your health as well.

The WiiFit's activities and games revolves around a new controller they're calling the Wii Balance Board. Amazingly, aside from detecting pressure from you hands or feet, this board has the ability to measure your weight, balance, even your body mass index. (Well well well, this could be embarassing if you're playing with friends.) However, it does sound like a great idea since I'd much rather exercise in the privacy of my home that at a gym packed with strangers.

Among the various in-game activities are step aerobics, dance, yoga, and goalie defense. I'm excited to play the dance game. I was a huge Dance Dance Revolution addict years ago in the Playstation. I'm hoping the Wii version is just as fun.