Thursday, July 26, 2007

All About the Nokia n800

Nothing interesting in the tech world to talk about today. Nothing that interests me, that is. So, I'm going to blog all about the Nokia n800. Sweet.

The Nokia n800 for those who don't know yet is not a cellphone. It's not even a pda. It's a portable internet device. That's it. But that's what makes this gadget so great. It does one thing and does it very well. Besides, everything we tech geeks need can probably be accessed through the internet these days, making this device very powerful.

If you're pondering on getting this gadget (I know I am), here are some very useful links for you...

  • I always check Cnet first for reviews. They're pretty reliable in providing great overviews and their opinions are often unbiased. Here's their Nokia n800 review. There's even a video.
  • Thoughtfix seems to me like an Nokia n800 expert. He has a blog dedicated to internet tablets and several Youtube videos about the n800. His online review is quite exhaustive but still easy to digest. Here's his intro Youtube video to the n800...

  • The official Nokia n800 page is very useful too. It's got lots of info like an overview video as well a great presentation of all the features of their product.